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Major Political Parties in Rampur-Baghelan Assembly Constituency
BJP is the major political party in Rampur-Baghelan Assembly Constituency .Present Sitting MLA of Rampur-Baghelan Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Rampur-Baghelan Assembly Constituency is Vikram Singh (VICKY) from party BJP partyMandals in Rampur-Baghelan Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Rampur-Baghelan Assembly Constituency .
List of Polling booths in Rampur-Baghelan Assembly Constituency
0) Aber
1) Ahiraganv
2) Aira
3) Akouna
4) Andharavar
5) Asarar
6) Atarahara
7) Bachhara
8) Badahari Kothar
9) Badha
10) Badhaiya
11) Badhoura Kothar
12) Badhoura Mudavar
13) Bagahai
14) Baghai
15) Baheliya Bhat
16) Bairiha
17) Bakiya Tivariyan
18) Bamhori
19) Bamhouri
20) Bandarakha
21) Bandha
22) Bara
23) Baradadinh
24) Baraha
25) Barati
26) Barti
27) Bathiya
28) Bela
29) Bhadari
30) Bhagadeura
31) Bhatgavan
32) Bida
33) Bihara No.2
34) Bihra
35) Bihra N0 1
36) Bihra No.1
37) Biranai
38) Chakadahi
39) Chakera
40) Chhiboura
41) Chitagadh
42) Chorahata
43) Chorahta
44) Choramari
45) Chormari
46) Chudakhurd
47) Chulhi
48) Chundkhurd
49) Deloura
and more ...
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